I can't say I am over the moon with the numbers on the scales/tape measure this week but they are still in the right direction.
Weight - 11st 7lbs- A loss of 1 1/2lbs since last week making 15 1/2lbs loss total.
Body fat - 36% - A gain of 1% making 4% loss total.
1/4in lost from my chest 9 3/4in lost from chest/waist/hips in total.
I am now 12 weeks from when I started so I have taken other measurements too.
Left bicep - 12 2/8in -loss of 2/8in over 4 weeks/1in total.
Left thigh - 22 6/8in - loss of 3/8in over 4 weeks/2 1/8in total.
Left calf - 15 2/8in - no loss over 4 weeks/4/8in total
The reason I was hoping for more of a loss is just because things have slowed down so much now. Instead of focusing on those numbers though I am going to concentrate on the fact that a lot of other things have changed drastically in the last 12 weeks.
My skin is so much softer. I guess all the sweating when I have exercised has helped. So there is a benefit to looking like someone has painted me with postbox red face paint!
I have a whole heap more energy.
I can run for 3 minutes without needing to stop. 12 weeks ago I couldn't run for 1 minute. I think I can do more than this. My husband says I run too fast and if I slow down I will be able to sustain longer. Going to try that later.
I can workout hard for 50 minutes and feel fine again 10 minutes later. 12 weeks ago 20 minutes of working out with a little bit of effort left me feeling like I was about to die and so sore the next morning that I struggled to move.
My nails are growing really nicely. They weren't pretty 12 weeks ago. Now they look lovely.
My body is tighter. Yes it still wobbles a fair bit but my skin is so much tighter than it was.
All of the pairs of trousers that I was wearing (except pjs) are now too big and have GONE. I have got rid of them. Some got thrown out because frankly they were tatty beyond belief, some have been given to charity and some are going on ebay. I don't really care where they go but they aren't going back in my wardrobe!
There are more changes that I am happy about but that will do for now. I am going to start my day at 11 1/2stone (161lbs) for the first time in over 10 years.
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