About Me

I am a 33 year old mum of two who has spent her entire teenage and adult life struggling with her weight. I am not going to struggle with it anymore. I am in charge!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Sneaking back in

I have tried several times in the last month or so to get back in the swing of things but it hasn't been happening. I am considering myself VERY lucky that I haven't gained more than I have. I have gained 3 pounds since my last weigh in post. That has taken my current weight back up to 11st 6lbs (160lbs). This morning I have woken up feeling ready to get back on the road. I'm not sure why the change but I do know that every part of me is screaming that I am so not ready to settle here.

As for what has been happening for the last month (probably closer to two in actual fact) I haven't strayed too far from what I am aiming to achieve. I have managed to keep up the running (bar a rest for over training and a cold). My running time has slowed down a little but I can run for longer. Food wise I have not been eating the best way but I have (mostly) stuck to meal times.

I have planned my meals for today and evening meals for the rest of the month. I am going to work on a day by day basis for the meals during the day, partly because we are trying to make sure that we don't spend quite so much on food and eat what we have in unless we REALLY need to shop. If I can combine that with losing weight then I will be a happy bunny.

One thing the last couple of months has shown me is that I can do a reasonable job of sustaining a weight.

Another thing I am going to start doing again is blogging most (if not every) day. So I apologise for the random drivel that will be finding it's way into your blog feed.

First of all I am aiming at getting back to losing weight. Next goal after that is to get to a new low by my birthday. That gives me about a month to lose at least 4lbs. I'd love to get down to 10st something but I am not going to approach this with any pressure.

Have a marvellous day everyone.


  1. Glad you are getting back on track. Look forward to hearing about your "losing" streak!

  2. Good to see you back! I wish you the best.
